A Digital Magazine about Long Island Sailing

What is a flip-book

Everyone knows magazines have got to embrace the Internet to survive in this day and age. Every business should have a website but a magazine’s needs go even further.

A flip-book is a multimedia electronic document that can be opened and viewed on a computer like a traditional magazine. The software makes the pages “flip” over, just like a real magazine would. As a reader examines pages, the rest of the magazine is downloading. See advantages

When we at LI Sail decided to publish a magazine we decided that there were several key features that were of the utmost importance. First our goal was to create a colorful picture oriented, story driven entertainment and information outlet that Long Island sailors would enjoy reading at their convenience each month.

Second, we have no printing costs so we can pass these savings on to our readers and advertisers.

Third, It’s printed on 100% recyclable material.

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